Ice Seven


The Ice Sevens is a challenge that consist of completing an Ice Mile, ratified by IISA in each of the Seven continents on earth. The Mile can be in inland water-mass or at its shores, whatever freezes you better.
Since some of us are closer to the North Pole than the South Pole - we allowed for an Arctic Swim at 70 North or further North to be the equivalent  of a 60 South or further South Antarctic mile.
And the ICING on the cake is: One of the Seven Ice Miles must be an ICE ZERO mile (water temp sub 1C)

As a reminder:
Water temp must be 5C or below on each of the three thermometers required.
A video clip of entry into the water, part of the swim, and teh finish - is now mandatory
An valid ECG must be uploaded in each swimmer BIO
A valid medical insurance
A valid Medical Check [which includes an ECG]
Notification to IISA of an Extreme Ice Mile is required

The 7 continents are:

  • Africa
  • Asia (Including Russia)
  • Europe (Excluding Russia)
  • North America
  • Oceania
  • Polar (South of 60S or North of 70N)
  • South America

IISA Morocco is the best option for any swimmer to help you accomplish you African leg of the Ice Seven.